Thought a couple of pix of the last day ought to be posted - particularly Chris in yet another fetching scarf - de rigeur now me thinks !! Susie had us all kitted out in something outrageous as we headed off to Chez Flo's for lunch. A jolly time was had by all, then we had to get down the mountain..... nuff said !! So the season is over - did that happen in the blink of an eye ? or did it feel like a lifetime ?? No time for philosophical questions at the moment though as it's full steam ahead to the summer season. Susie's gone back to Oz (but promises to be back for next winter, thank goodness !!) and Chris is back at the day job in the City. So here I am discovering that under all that snow was a tonne of mud !! (and I said I wouldn't garden again.....) and looking forward to the more gentle pace of B&B throughout the summer.
Thanks go to everyone who helped make our first season so successful, for all your support and kind words of encouragement - and a reminder that many of you said you'd be back to check out the mountains without snow !!